At Overbrook Catholic School, we believe our students will best champion, encourage, and love one another when they see their parents doing the same. We are grateful for to have many opportunities across campus for community among families, and we invite current and past OCS parents to take part in these great groups!
Current parents, view the
Resource Board for additional information and the
school calendar for dates.
Formed on the Dominican Campus over a decade ago, Dominican Dads seeks to challenge and encourage dads of current and former students on the Campus in their vocation as fathers through prayer, fellowship, and service and to facilitate opportunities for Dads to be present on the Campus in a meaningful way.
Dominican Dads is open to any father or father figure of a current or former student at Overbrook Catholic School or St. Cecilia Academy. Our theme for the 2023-24 school year is Into the Breach, and we will be using the
“Into the Breach” video series as a guide.
Dominican Dads gather every Friday morning when school is in session. We begin with a brief period of prayer and adoration from 6:15 a.m. to 6:45 a.m. in the SCA chapel, followed by a video or live speaker with discussion and fellowship in the OCS portion of the Dining Hall. Meetings end promptly at 7:30 a.m.
We believe that it is important for Dads to be present on the Dominican Campus as a means of fostering fellowship and service. Past Campus events supported by the Dominican Dads have included the SCA PowderPuff Game in October and the OCS and SCA Community Fish Fry during Lent.
Led by our campus president, Sister Dominic hosts a weekly Women's Book Study to provide nourishing community, deep conversations, and intentional prayer, through which to encourage and strengthen women in their vocations.
Gatherings offer both spiritual and intellectual formation, praying with Scripture and discussing that semester's book. This time of fellowship allows women to meet new people, as well as deepen current friendships, building a supportive community that motivates one another to live out their faith.
Women's Book Study is open to any mother or mother-figure of a current or former student at Overbrook Catholic School or St. Cecilia Academy. The weekly gathering begins at 8 a.m. with time for socialization. Lectio Divina, prayer, and faith sharing are from 8:15 to 8:35 a.m. From 8:35 to 9:25 a.m. the group discusses the assigned readings. Sister Dominic leads a six-week series in the fall and spring semesters.